Role of Travel Call Centers in Boosting Post-Pandemic Recovery for the Hospitality Industry

Travel industry Call Centers outsourcing

The travel and hospitality industry has been hardest hit by the recent pandemic. International travel bans, lockdowns, and stay-at-home orders brought the world to a standstill. As a result, airlines, hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality businesses have faced severe losses. Despite the exponential growth of tourism in recent years, the industry was unprepared for such a challenge. The pandemic’s effects are expected to linger for another year or two, leading to more difficulties for the travel and hospitality sector. This blog discusses how travel call centers can help the industry recover.

Overcoming the Challenge

As the travel and hospitality industry works to overcome these unprecedented challenges, outsourcing some business activities is crucial. The right travel call center outsourcing partner can significantly aid in this recovery. Fusion CX, a prominent name in the travel call center domain, is already helping its travel and tourism clients bounce back from the crisis. Here are some key services we offer to help travel and hospitality clients recover:

Market Research and Analysis

Customer expectations are sure to change post-pandemic. Therefore, travel and hospitality businesses should start their post-pandemic journey with market research and analysis to understand these evolving needs. Fusion CX, with over 25 years of experience in market research, can help you gain vital market insights. Our expertise also lets us identify the key demographics you should target post-COVID.


The right contact center partner can boost your sales post-pandemic through effective telemarketing. Fusion CX can run campaigns highlighting how your airline, hotel, or spa employs safety measures to ensure patrons’ health. This reassurance can attract customers and rebuild trust in your brand.

24/7 Multilingual Customer Service

Most hotels today have an international clientele, necessitating multilingual customer service. Fusion CX offers 24/7 multilingual support, ensuring that our team can respond in their language when a customer or prospect from another country inquires about bookings. This service ensures you never lose business due to language barriers, especially during the pandemic.

Booking and Reservation Service

A call center can manage all bookings and reservations during the pandemic and beyond. Fusion CX supports customer queries, bookings, and reservations across multiple channels, including voice calls, chat, email, and an online portal. Today’s customers expect quick responses regarding room availability and reservations, and providing prompt answers enhances the overall customer experience.

Reception Services

Outsourcing reception services can significantly improve customer experience in the hospitality sector. Travel call center agents from Fusion CX can handle and route incoming calls, allowing onsite receptionists to focus on attending to guests. This approach ensures that customers no longer have to wait for the receptionist to be available, and their issues and queries are resolved promptly and efficiently.

Finding the Ideal Travel Call Center Partner

While the travel and hospitality business needs outsourcing to overcome the pandemic’s challenges, it still needs an ideal call center partner to make it a success. Some key benefits that make us your ideal travel and hospitality contact center partner are:

  • Scalability. Travel is a seasonal business. Hence, your call center partner must be able to flex resources up and down as needed.
  • Cost-Efficiency. Cost-efficiency is the buzzword of the travel and hospitality industry nowadays. Therefore, a travel or hospitality company needs a travel call center that can significantly reduce costs and offer efficiency at every step.
  • Experience. The travel industry takes customer experience seriously, so you need a partner who shares your passion. A call center with experience catering to travel and tourism can give you peace of mind.
  • Multichannel Support. A call center providing multichannel support is the ideal partner for any modern travel and tourism business. The business can provide customers with state-of-the-art customer support via their preferred communication channel.
  • Multilingual Support. As a travel and hospitality business with customers worldwide, you need a partner for multilingual support. A multilingual call center like Fusion CX that can support over 40 languages will be your ideal choice.

While the pandemic poses a great challenge to the travel and hospitality industry, it also has provided some lessons. It has taught us to stay prepared for any future challenge. On this World Tourism Day, travel and hospitality businesses should learn the lesson and equip themselves for future disasters. A reliable and robust BPO services outsourcing partner can help them prepare to overcome any challenge in the future.

Also Read: 10 Ways a Customer Service Representative Can Grow Customer Empathy

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