How Can Travel Call Centers Help The Travel And Hospitality Industry Get Back Into Shape After The Pandemic?

Travel industry Call Centers outsourcing

The travel and hospitality industry is among the worst victims of the recent pandemic that has brought the world to a standstill with international travel bans, lockdown situations, and stay-at-home orders. With people preferring to stay at home, the airlines, hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality businesses face severe losses. With the exponential growth of tourism in the past years, the industry was not prepared for such a challenge. Also, the pandemic’s effect is sure to linger for another year or two, resulting in more bad news to the travel and hospitality industry.

Overcoming the Challenge

As the travel and hospitality industry tries to overcome these unprecedented challenges, they feel the need to outsource some of their business activities. A right travel call center outsourcing partner can help them get back in shape. Being a prominent name in the travel call center domain, Fusion CX is already helping its travel and tourism clients to bounce back from the situation. Some of our key services that can help out travel and hospitality clients recover from the situation are:

Market Research and Analysis – Customer expectations are surely going to change post-pandemic. Therefore, the travel and hospitality businesses should begin their post-pandemic journey with market research and analysis to understand their changing needs. An expert in market research with over 25 years of experience, Fusion CX can help you get those vital market insights. Our market research also allows you to know which demographic should you target post-COVID.

Telemarketing – The right contact center partner can boost your sales post-pandemic through telemarketing. They can run campaigns stating how your airline, hotel, or spa uses safety measures to ensure its patrons’ good health.

24/7 Multilingual Customer Service – Today, most hotels have an international clientele, and to make things easy for them, a hotel needs to offer multilingual customer service.  This way, when a customer or prospect makes inquiries regarding booking from another country, a multilingual customer service team can answer in the customer’s language on round the clock. This way, the hotel businesses will never lose business in the current pandemic situation.

Booking and Reservation Service – A call center can successfully handle all the bookings and reservations during the pandemic and beyond. These travel call centers can support customer queries, booking, and reservations across many channels, such as – voice call, chat, email, and an online portal. Customers today expect quick answers regarding room availability and reservations. Providing them the answers pronto often adds to the customer experience.

Reception – A hospitality business can excel its customer experience by outsourcing its reception services. Travel call center agents can answer and route incoming calls , freeing the onsite receptionist can focus on attending guests.  This way, a customer no longer has to wait for the receptionist to be free to take their calls and can get their issues and queries resolved promptly and efficiently.

Finding The Ideal Travel Call Center Partner

While the travel and hospitality business needs outsourcing to overcome the pandemic’s challenges, they still need an ideal call center partner to make it a success. Some key benefits that make us your ideal travel and hospitality contact center partner are:

Scalability – A call center should have the ability to scale up quickly during the peak season and scale down when the need subsides.

Cost-Efficiency – Cost-efficiency is the buzzword of the travel and hospitality industry nowadays. Therefore, a travel or hospitality company needs a travel call center that can significantly cut back the cost and offer efficiency at every step.

Experience – A call center with experience in catering to the travel and tourism can handle all the call center requirements relating to that industry very well, bringing peace of mind to the travel and tourism company.

Multichannel Support – A call center that provides multichannel support is the ideal call center partner of any modern travel and tourism business. It allows them to provide the customers with state-of-the-art customer support via their preferred communication channel.

Multilingual Support – A travel and hospitality business has customers from across the globe, so just providing customer support via a single language may not lead to better customer experience. A multilingual call center like Fusion CX that can support over 40 languages will be your ideal choice.

While the pandemic poses a great challenge to the travel and hospitality industry, it also has provided some lessons. It has taught us to stay prepared for any future challenge.  On this World Tourism Day, travel and hospitality businesses should learn the lesson and equip themselves for future disasters. A reliable and robust BPO services outsourcing partner can help them prepare to overcome any challenge in the future.

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