A Multichannel Work at Home Call Center can Boost Your CX

Work at Home Call Center Can Boost Your CX

Customers today want fast and easy service 24/7 on their preferred channel. Making customers switch between different channels slows the process, causes disconnected conversations, and leads to customer dissatisfaction. Companies are trying hard to deploy work-at-home solutions to provide customers with the best service in this rapidly changing situation. According to American Express 2017 Customer Barometer, 33% of Americans consider switching companies just after one instance of poor customer service.

Today, companies worldwide are facing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and their customers are looking for resolutions, answers, and advice while coping with these new challenges. In this uncertain time, when emotions are running high, companies need to offer their customers a seamless multichannel experience to resolve their issues faster and through their preferred channel.  

Great brand experiences can strengthen the customer-brand relationship, build trust, generate customer loyalty, and create an emotional connection. A solid work-at-home model can deliver a high-quality, uninterrupted customer experience on your customer’s preferred channel, especially during an unprecedented crisis.

The Multichannel Work at Home Advantage

Due to the global pandemic, companies in all industry verticals are experiencing a high call volume. Customers are contacting airlines, hotels, banks, and retailers for assistance. Therefore, engaging your customers where they are has become more critical. Having a seamless multichannel contact center partner can help your business manage the unprecedented call volume and help you rightly engage the customers contacting you via email, chat, and social media.

Lower Cost

The cost of meeting your customers across several channels can be high. However, with the right outsourcing partner, you can significantly lower the cost by placing your agents where they are needed most.

A work-at-home model can allow you to work with lower overheads, a strong talent pool, and minimal attrition, ensuring a smooth business operation. It can also boost your CSAT scores.

Flexible Scheduling

Working with a work-at-home call center means you can add the right number of agents to meet the current demand. The flexibility ensures increased productivity and no wasted expenses. Work-at-home contact centers with a strong talent pool can flex during peak hours or unprecedented call volume spikes at the shortest notice. So, you can stay assured that your customers will get their answers quickly, even in the current situation.

Digital Resilience

Building resilience is the need of the hour for every organization today. Companies must prepare a business continuity plan during a crisis to reduce the impact. Closure of a brick-and-mortar location, managing increased absenteeism due to illness, caring for family members, and adopting a remote work strategy is critical for the success of your BCP plan. A multichannel work-at-home agent model is just the right solution for meeting the ever-changing customer needs in the present situation.

Fusion CX’s Work at Home Solution

Incorporating Fusion CX’s work-at-home solutions into your BCP planning can ensure resilience for your business in the present situation and the following economic downturn.   Having experience delivering work-at-home solutions to our clients for over a decade, Fusion CX has the flexibility and agility to offer you a robust work-at-home solution in this changing time. We have 3000+ geographically dispersed agents in 8 countries across the globe, handling voice, chat, email, and social media customer interactions for our clients.

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