Are You Lead Generation Ready For 2021? Tips From Our Call Center Experts

lead generation services 2020

Before you get into the details of lead generation or start looking for ways to generate leads or form strategies for the same, the first step is to ask six questions – Who? What? Where? When? How and Why? It will help you narrow down your list of lead generation companies if you are planning to outsource.

  1. “Who” are your targets?

A defined target is essential for each campaign. In the inbound concept, it is known as target persona. Generalist campaigns are a waste of time and money. Having clearly identified prospects ensures that your efforts are not wasted, and you can develop more customized, data-driven content to attract unqualified leads. How to start? A good way is to study and analyze your current customer segments. B2B lead generation services help with personalization and data-backed decision-making. Get in-depth knowledge about your target customers:

  • Where they live
  • Their income slab
  • Number of family members
  • Job designation
  • Online search patterns
  • Buying behavior
  • Questions they ask about your services or brand, etc.

The more you learn about your target persona, the more profitable your lead generation strategies will be.

2. “What” your target customers want to know?

Based upon the answers, you will develop the content. The best way to find what your customers want to know is by answering their questions online over multiple platforms, whether social media sites or question-and-answer websites like Quora. Make sure you answer only relevant questions that matter to your brand. You can also find out questions and design content in the form of newsletters, blog posts, slides, videos, and even vlogs. Social media lead generation follows similar kinds of processes. It understands what customers are interested in.

For example, if you are selling loans, instead of pitching how many types of loans you offer, you can pitch about how a loan can help you study abroad, travel to international destinations, so on and so forth. A simpler example: If you are selling chickens, focus on how you can enjoy chicken BBQ parties in your backyard.

So, the central idea is you can pitch your product features to interested customers, but first, you have to generate interest. Toplead generation companies have all the wrenches under one hood to generate interest among a defined target market.

3.  “Where” should you promote?

One of the most crucial aspects of B2B lead generation services is to find the suitable platform and channels to promote your brand. It could be more than one platform and multiple channels. For digital lead generation, you have landing pages, outbound email campaigns, text messages over the phone, website resources, blogs for SEO lead generation, etc. For anything more research-oriented and important than a blog post, you should “gate” it with a download form or landing page with which you can capture critical information about the prospect in exchange for the premium content.

Phone-based lead generation was also a widespread practice until the laws like GDPR came into the picture. You have to take consent from the caller before you call them. This is where digital channels and social media lead generation came into the picture, where you can promote your brand and acquire leads.

4. “When” do target customers convert to lead?

We call this part Lead Scoring. It is a shared marketing and sales technique for lead ranking as per their sales readiness. How to score leads? Lead generation companies have lead scoring models to evaluate leads. They can score leads by giving points and ranks like A, B, C, D and assigning terms such as ‘hot,’ ‘cold,’ or ‘warm.’ When they find a lead is ready to be contacted by the sales team, the next step begins.

A data-driven and technology-based lead generation call center treat each lead differently and adopt a more personalized sales approach at different stages of a customer’s journey.

5. “How” do you track the leads generated?

Just tracking whether you have reached your lead targets is not enough. You have to determine the quality of leads as well.

  • Set transparent goals
  • Leverage metrics for monitoring and measuring results like CRT, Conversion Rate, Cost Per Lead, Time to Conversion, Return On Investment, etc.
  • Use CRM to track the source of the leads.

Most lead generation companies use free CRM platforms like HubSpot, Zoho, Salesforce, and Pipedrive. Using these CRM platforms, you can easily set objectives, track success and connect to dots of where and how the leads were generated and when they close.

Fusion CX has helped companies manage lead processes through CRM, starting from reaching out to your audience, identifying interested customers, building brand awareness, and convert leads to customers.

6. “Why” companies choose us as their lead generation call center partners?

While we explain the last question – “Why,” we will also answer why Fusion CX can be ideal as a inbound call center. This is supremely crucial to understand before you start because your entire business should be aligned with the outsourcing partner. Your sales and marketing department should also contribute to establishing a clear and concise unique selling proposition.

Fusion CX Helps You Generate Leads

We are one of the top lead generation companies operating from 9 countries and 18 centers. Our host of lead generation services range from B2B/B2C lead generation, telemarketing, core-reg leads and data marketing lead generation. With a multi-location, multichannel and multilingual call center model, we can help you meet your lead targets, nurture leads, engage and retain your customers.

Want to learn more about how we can support your lead generation efforts? Contact us today!

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