5 Things Customer Service Should Monitor on Social Media

Customer Service Should Monitor on Social Media

Deciphering customer insights on social media can be tough. The volume and frequency of social information can be overwhelming and hard to monitor, making monitoring and responding to customers very difficult.

However, one must remember that social customer service is very important.

5 Things Customer Service Should Monitor on Social Media

As per VB Insights, there were over 879 million customer complaints on social media in 2014.  It proves that customers are vocal on social channels, and companies must listen, analyze, and act upon those complaints. A company should employ its social customer service team to track the right things to keep up with social traffic and respond accordingly. Here’s what the team should be tracking:

1. Keywords

Tracking and monitoring keywords allow a social customer service team to spot trends and respond to feedback pronto. There must be a reason why the same words or phrases keep popping up.

Whether customers are experiencing issues with a certain product or are very pleased with a new feature, it is important to be aware of common threads so you can address the feedback quickly and make any required changes at the business level.

2. Tone

It is important to note the tone a customer uses in their feedback. This can be mainly challenging when it comes to social media. Finding the ironic or sarcastic tone so frequently found on social channels can be hard when people are sorting through feedback quickly. However, one has to understand the tone to decipher each piece of feedback.

This can be done using sophisticated text analytics technologies that can automate the process of deciphering tone.

3. Emotion

Social customer service teams also need to look out for emotion. Social channels such as Twitter and Facebook are emotionally stimulating platforms where people convey personal opinions, share stories, and engage with others.

It is one of the few places where companies can access spontaneous and totally candid customer feedback. This helps companies better understand their customers’ wants and requirements, create a better customer experience, and build a deeper bond between the company and its customers.

4. Frequency

A social customer service team should also track the number of customer service issues through social channels each month, their severity level, the type of issues, and the follow-up action taken.

It is also important to track positive mentions and feedback so the company can know what’s working well and what customers are most excited about. This can help companies monitor trends and change their social customer service strategies accordingly.

5. Response Time

Finally, tracking how long it takes a social customer service team to respond to feedback and the average time taken to resolve an issue is important. The team tracks a lot of information daily, and social feedback floods in all the time. However, promptly addressing and resolving that feedback is the most important step. It keeps customers loyal and cuts down on attrition.

So, a company should ensure that its social customer service team monitors response time and constantly works to address feedback as quickly and accurately as possible.

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