Whom Your Customers Would Like To Talk To

Customers Would Like To Talk To

Survey reports say that 3% of the customers discarded the services of a company who thought the respective customers as loyal.

What may be the reason to discard the service? – It was due to a negative experience with the company’s in-house agents.

Further, different survey reported that 30% of the customers are not treated as valued customers by their respective brands or company. Reason behind their dejection is either the misbehavior of staffs or negative response from the company’s representative.

Businesses must realize that with the expansion of their company, the responsibility of the team also increases. They have to work under a lot of pressure, and if they have to handle the calls from customers, the workload increases by double fold. Up selling, cross-selling, outbound telemarketing, direct response telesales service becomes onerous and time-consuming and may affect the productivity of the in-house team.

During all these problems, the call centers become a rescuer. Adam Miller, the Director of Sales at O’Currance says in Direct Connect quarterly newsletter, “In an ever-evolving direct response industry, call center is more important than ever.”

Call center is going to do the task like – telemarketing, direct sale conversions, email marketing, mobile marketing, attends customer calls on your behalf. They will help to achieve your sales goal, increase conversion rates and reduce the internal load of your in-house team.

Adam Miller says in reference to O’Currance that, call center agents can not only relate to the customer, but also have the maturity and experience to understand that. If sold right, a potential customer can be the continuous source of revenue for clients.

Leading BPO companies have some unique call-answering specialty, which clients can experience with the call center agents.

1. Responds in Time

With advanced technology, call center reduces the call holding time, thus no time wastage of the customers. The customers feel good, and your business gets a sales boom.

2. Greet Warmly

Greeting customers with a friendly smile and talking pleasantly with callers giving them ample of time to respond.

3. Agents Ready to Help

Whatever may be the size of the problem agents do their every bit to please them and solve the queries without being interruptive.

4. The Power of Listening

Agents listen and understand the customers and responds in a way that do not interrupt them.

5. Market Knowledge

Agents are well aware of the products and the target market along with the competitor’s product. These help agents to present your product with detailed features before the customers. Hence, you gain a competitive edge over your competitor’s products.

6. Closing Call

Closing of the call is as appropriate as the way the call center agents begin the call. Agents maintain a formal interaction and treats customer as a valuable asset to the client’s company.

As Adam says in his newsletter, call center is the effective way to improve the sales campaign and all serious marketers must welcome it. They are able to set the standard and ensure long lasting and better customers.

With the advanced technology in routing and reporting, you can increase the call volume, which in turn can boost sales. When it comes to picking a call center, go for the best in class.

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