Call Center Trends 2020: What Does The Future Hold?

Call Center Trends 2020

In this connected world, call centers are turning into experience centers where customer experience of different brands are shaped. Contact centers today are responsible for customer support, interaction, data collection and enhancing knowledge, etc.

Soon, we will see that technological developments like automation, chatbots, real-time analytics, workflow technology, and authentication processes will change the face of the contact center industry. However, that does not mean that the importance of human agents will be lessened. On the contrary, their role in resolving more complex and emotional issues will be more significant.

So, what 2020 call center trends have in store for us? Let us have a look.

Customer Service Is Transforming 

Customer service, as we know it, is evolving at a rapid pace due to new technological trends. With AI, bots, and IoT changing soon, the need for human involvement will be at a minimum in the contact center. The smart devices soon will be able to ask for help automatically without any human intervention.

Automation With AI 

Even today, call center agents have to perform many tasks manually. For example, they have to categorize, tag, and respond to basic queries wasting time and resources at the same time.

In 2020 and beyond, the contact centers will be able to automate the simplest processes, thanks to workflow technology, automation, and machine learning. The mundane, repetitive jobs won’t be done by human agents anymore. As a result, the agents will be utilized to deliver a better customer experience.

Managing Social Media Complaint

Nowadays, customers take to social media to vent their frustration about poor customer service. This practice can do a business much harm. Even a single case of unfortunate customer service incident can make a brand viral for all the wrong reasons.

In 2020, with the functionality of social media increasing, barriers to the complaint entry will be reduced. At the same time, enhanced connectivity will lead to more touch-point, growing pressure on customer service centers.

Real-Time Support Will Increase

The time is ripe for real-time customer support. To enhance customer satisfaction and increase conversion rate, you must add some real-time support like webchat to your website. It will let your prospects/customers know that you are always there to help. Real-time support helps:

  • In engaging customers.
  • In making the purchasing process convenient.
  • In enhancing the conversion rate
  • In solving customer concerns promptly

Personalization Is The Key To Lead Generation

Today personalization is the key to business success. In a saturated market, personalized experiences can be the difference between you and your competitors. According to studies, 57% would like to buy from the website that offers personalized recommendations, whereas 56% of customers are more likely to return to a site that makes personalized product recommendations. Therefore, it can be safely assumed that personalized service improves your chance of lead generation.

Hybrid Customer Support Is A Must

Customers today expect the same level of service excellence on social media as they experience on phone calls. Therefore, you need a comprehensive customer support strategy that encompasses all the aspects. Hybrid customer support fits the bill to a tee. And it is going to be often used soon.

For example – chatbots and messengers will witness a surge in their popularity in the future. Chatbots offer interactive conversations with human beings, whereas messengers surpass social media in customer-business interactions. Therefore, both of them should be added to your customer support strategy.

The call center industry is changing thanks to AI, social media involvement, automation, and IoT. Like most prominent call centers, Fusion CX too has adapted to the changes and are now offering a wide range of service ranging from web chat, voice, email, and social media support to AI-assisted chatbots. Do you want to be ready to meet future customers’ demands? Fusion CX’s wide range of service offerings can help. To know about our extensive call center service offerings, contact us today!

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