8 Tips to Choose the Perfect Call Center Partner for Your Australian Business

Australian BPO companies in Philippines

The BPO sector is a hard trek – there are industry-specific functions, increasing customer demands, 24/7 service level expertise, performance pressure, compliances to meet and the list is never ending. So, it is no doubt why so many Australian businesses choose outsourcing as a workable strategy. There are many providers of call center services in Australia, but all of them are not the right fit for your company.  Most businesses struggle to find the right partner for their needs, whether offshoring or domestic-hiring. They don’t know where to look for the right call centers in Australia. If you are a business based in Australia or have a target customer base here, read this blog till the end.

As you know Australian companies have joined the bandwagon to outsource as a part of the global rush. Right now, nearly 75 percent of the Australian organizations outsource some of their BPO voice and non-voice process activities, while around 85 percent outsource their infrastructure requirement. Major services outsourced are inbound/outbound call center services, debt collection, recruitment and training and highly specialized BPO services like medical transcription, inventory management and complex functions for financial services companies.

However, finding the right BPO partner for your company is crucial. There are several factors like call volume, language skills required for BPO voice process and non-voice process, location proximity for on-site visit, complexity of the industry, required presence over range of channels and last but not the least – cost, based on which the decision is being made.

Here are 8 tips for finding the best BPO services provider for companies in Australia to cater to the target market in Australia.

  1. Decide your budget first: First thing first. One of the prime reasons behind the decision to outsource is cost-cutting. The cost required to carry out those organizational tasks is often higher than outsourcing. There are administration expenses, costs involved in recruitment and training, and buying IT resources, and the workplace gets a little over-pressured when you rely on in-house resources. Australian BPO services in Manila and Cebu provide affordable outsourcing choices and help you organize your day-to-day operations smartly. Make your outsourcing decision a profitable one.
  2. Chalk down your service requirement: The Service Level Agreement or SLA is crucial when you think about outsourcing call center services in Australia. Unless you chalk out beforehand what services you are looking to outsource, you may get overwhelmed with the offerings. An Australian BPO company in the Philippines or any other popular offshore destination will provide you with countless service choices, and if you don’t know what you want, you could choose the wrong services. SLA documents are a part of your agreement with your outsourcing partner. Top BPO companies in Australia always stick to SLAs, avoid confusion and ambiguity, and maintain service quality as per international standards.
  3. Look for a specialized partner in your niche business: Today, Australian businesses are inclined to niche markets and highly specialized products or services that require specialized BPO support. Suppose the healthcare BPO in Australia provides general services like answering, virtual reception support, and medical insurance processing, but you need more domain-centered support like medical billing, tele-pharmacy assistance, and services like that, you might consider offshoring industry-specific Australian BPO services in Manila and Cebu.
  4. Give importance to technology and telecommunication infrastructure: Technology and telecommunication infrastructure are two essential considerations when choosing to outsource. Although Australia is a developed nation and the infrastructure standards for BPO are quite high compared to various popular outsourcing locations, the difference is how they will use those technologies in favor of your project.Prominent outsourcing locations like India and the Philippines have well-trained agents and IT support teams for all kinds of telecommunication and technology needs because they work with various clients across the globe, not just domestic companies. An Australian BPO company in the Philippines uses tools, technologies, and up-to-date systems and can handle rigorous outsourcing functions for your Australia-based business.
  5. Calculate your call volume during the seasonal rush: To choose the best call center services in Australia, you must analyze and predict the upcoming call volume based on trends from previous years. Although the COVID-19 crisis has made the economy a little unstable and the market unpredictable, Australia’s best-answering services will likely face ongoing pressure and competition during the rush seasons. This is why many companies choose offshore BPO providers for business processes and inbound/outbound call center services to facilitate greater flexibility.
  6. Check business contingency and continuity plan in case of crises: Smart and meticulous contingency planning is a significant aspect of crisis management because it ensures that an employee or an organization makes the obligatory preparations to be all set when difficulty strikes. The best call centers in Australia have crisis contingency plans that are ready to support their clients consistently. If you choose an offshore partner, the right sourcing solution can help you optimize, introduce and innovate when unexpected happens.
  7. Consider pricing: We already discussed how cost-cutting by hiring the best answering services in Australia at an affordable price tag is one of the most common reasons to outsource. Both offshore and onshore call centers for Australia-based target markets or businesses charge for their services in various ways. This includes hourly rate, shared services or dedicated services pricing model, charge based on agreed approximation of average handle time or per second of talk time.  If you are looking for sector-specific services, like E-Commerce Call Centers in Australia for your e-commerce business, or need the best prescription filling service from a Healthcare BPO in Australia, you may have to pay while signing the partnership.
  8. Compare offshore benefit vs. domestic hire: What location advantage will you get out of offshoring or near-shoring?  There are overseas call centers and top BPO companies in Australia. Do you really need a domestic Australian call center partner down the road, or should you choose an overseas partner with more versatility and excellent performance record in handling Australian businesses? Are you ready to pay extra bucks to keep it within Australia, or are you willing to make significant savings by outsourcing to destinations with cheap labor costs, like the Philippines, for the same level of service? Some companies don’t mind paying a premium price for CBD locations in Australia; others value the cost-effectiveness of offshoring.

Why choose Fusion CX?

If you are looking for call center services in Australia or a partner that can take care of your business in Australia, look nowhere but Fusion CX. It has consistently supported Australian clients from its global centers like the Philippines, UK, Canada, and the US. Call us today to receive call center solutions based on your precise needs!

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